Mini collection "Thank You Hug Agreement"

Terms and Conditions for "Thank You Hug Agreement":
1. Hug Requirement: Upon receiving a gift wrapped in our collection, the recipient must give a genuine hug to the giver.
2. Thank You Clause: The recipient must express their gratitude by saying "Thank you" to the giver.
3. Humor Compliance: Both the giver and recipient should share a moment of laughter or a smile.
4. Hug Duration: Hugs should last at least 3 seconds but not exceed 10 seconds to ensure comfort for both parties.
5. Gratitude Timing: The "Thank you" must be said within 5 seconds of opening the gift.
6. Gift Wrap Authenticity: Only gifts wrapped with our official collection are subject to these terms.
7. Humor Encouraged: Recipients are encouraged to make a light-hearted joke or humorous comment upon opening the gift.
8. Repeat Clause: If multiple gifts are exchanged, hugs and thank yous must be repeated for each gift.
9. No Substitutes: Virtual hugs or thank yous via text or email are not acceptable substitutes.
10. Good Vibes Guarantee: Both parties must genuinely engage in the spirit of the terms to spread joy and laughter.